Folge 25: Vorstellung der landesweiten App „Selbsthilfe Schleswig-Holstein“


In dieser Sendung wird die landesweite App „Selbsthilfe Schleswig-Holstein vorgestellt. Stimmen aus dem KISS-Café und von KinderWege gGmbH kommen zu Wort.
Selbsthilfe in Schleswig-Holstein: Die neue Selbsthilfe-App geht online!
Die 14 Selbsthilfekontaktstellen in Schleswig-Holstein sind am 13. Juli 2023 mit einer gemeinsamen Selbsthilfe-App für Menschen mit chronischen Erkrankungen oder psychosozialen Problemen an den Start gegangen.
Die Selbsthilfe-App ist ein Kooperationsprojekt zwischen den Trägern aller Selbsthilfekontaktstellen im Land, gefördert von der Techniker Krankenkasse (TK). Sie wurde federführend von KISS Lübeck, KinderWege gemeinnützige GmbH, gemeinsam mit dem Softwareanbieter vmapit für den Schleswig-Holsteinischen Arbeitskreis der Selbsthilfekontaktstellen (SASK) entwickelt.
„Die App bietet einen schnellen Zugang zu den örtlichen Kontaktstellen sowie zu den regionalen und überregionalen Selbsthilfeangeboten. Davon profitieren Betroffene, Angehörige und Selbsthilfegruppen vor Ort“, erläutert Projektleiterin Dr. Annegret Schmalfeld vom koordinierenden Träger KinderWege gemeinnützige GmbH. So ermöglicht die App einen landesweiten Überblick über alle Themen, Veranstaltungen und aktuelle Informationen zur gemeinschaftlichen Selbsthilfe. Sie vernetzt Fachleute aus Arztpraxen, Kliniken, Universitäten und verschiedenen Beratungsstellen mit dem Fachpersonal in den Kontaktstellen sowie den persönlichen Expert*innen, Betroffenen und Angehörigen, der Selbsthilfegruppen und -organisationen.
„Die Selbsthilfe ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil unseres Gesundheits- und Sozialsystems, da sie eine vielfältige und wirksame Ergänzung zur professionellen Gesundheitsversorgung bietet. Die Möglichkeit der digitalen Vernetzung ist für Betroffene mit psychosozialen, chronischen oder seltenen Erkrankungen – gerade in ländlicheren Regionen – ein Gewinn. Deswegen haben wir das Projekt einer Selbsthilfe-App für Schleswig-Holstein gerne unterstützt “, so Sören Schmidt-Bodenstein, Leiter der TK-Landesvertretung in Schleswig-Holstein.
Konkret bietet die App eine Vielzahl von Funktionen, um sich über die Möglichkeiten und Angebote der Selbsthilfe in Schleswig-Holstein zu informieren. Auch Tipps, Materialien und Methoden für die Arbeit in den Selbsthilfegruppen stehen als Angebot zur Verfügung. In der Rubrik „Krisenhilfe“ sind landesweite Notrufnummern für den Fall der Fälle schnell zu finden.
Die Selbsthilfe Schleswig-Holstein-App steht ab sofort allen Menschen kostenlos zur Verfügung. „Sie ist ein wertvolles Werkzeug, um den von Erkrankungen betroffenen Menschen und deren Angehörigen zu helfen sowie die Selbsthilfebewegung in der Region und im Land weiter zu stärken“, betont Schmalfeld.
Weitere Informationen sind unter zu finden. Die App kann ab sofort in den Stores heruntergeladen werden (qr-code siehe Plakat im Anhang).
Die Mitarbeiter.innen der Kontaktstellen freuen sich auf viele Nutzer.innen.

Transkript anzeigen

00:00:00: The class Alice Cooper Mia the attack Hangouts me gets real ugly.

00:00:08: Kids me a hook lahood knee Rockin Eve.

00:00:13: De indias fun Mia I do can't starsia own pluses demand myself went down but I'm hardly his very common so these are vulgar forms a beautiful podcast funko's lübeck.

00:00:29: Yeah these muscles and undergoes treatment for microphone is pennies per forgiving Lake States momentum Studio ventilated isolating for an Oscar Nom whenever I watched a vagina here so there.

00:00:40: Did you hit them they cannot in tandem childbirth at one point you give one cent our casting.

00:00:47: Aunt Anna great smile beta by V Finance the title as bad as to that he had some absolute diamonds beef team I'm often and canalfront normal mid tones

00:00:57: Zoo math us but often we going every shot oh yeah it gets pretty excited for new design,

00:01:05: FS yacht car,

00:01:07: about two FS coyote on let's harvest the cultural yes a socio-cultural attack what I like 50 degrees

00:01:18: cultural Dallas can on Wheels and naturalist how I test student invited some net smile on the,

00:01:24: and that technique for one year best of intentions are not released an hour Dinovite table briefly here and wanted to cook,

00:01:33: showed mild yet stylish good to go for X now if I guess can now that is good don't want can stall for diner I'd forgotten India via I'm often referred as Anatole enough or good enough for you,

00:01:45: can this country of this event.

00:01:51: Then you're in such a healthy Reserve point if you have a mind until Sunday's team of your halter then this is your Nicky any Community fog of war game on Fontana zeb's if we cooperate and he's our fourth date,

00:02:03: son done with that could ER Gammas or in 400 lifting us up tear a Mickey bracket.

00:02:10: Fiamma how to make the app the app thievish hygiene.

00:02:16: Bounty is not me I'm inviting you really ask for a vintage Warden.

00:02:21: One that we already know and trust and walnuts adversity wrecked what my own fun time you mentioned her too,

00:02:32: one for her gift table is not a cleaner info zygon mind versus about disorder.

00:02:36: Yeah somebody has many Firestone okay up there been Wicked he has saved he'll fill a massage time.

00:02:43: The vast majority of us come on damn it and Funk was Goofy is you'd.

00:02:49: These apps have updated and Shannon to conclude an Earthling contacts turns over to the in regular and irregular inceptive anger board.

00:02:58: Dolphin property and petrovna anger ego Concepts TV Corbin for art.

00:03:04: I'm busy and we have a better Communications Victor's 1/3 of my life ended.

00:03:08: Economically tied at 13 steps of contact turn and schleswig-holstein of an academy bubblech.

00:03:17: This is so much be I know doesn't follow function as on our locality it can now also Mankind and cook another one if their number certain minor contact Stalin and Mao and

00:03:28: clicked on that valve and eat and make you team and get this done for art good now and Via ham teaming.

00:03:36: Kind of a pacificorp Min desire app be listed while I might add that truck run it against cracking the sphere complete for an almond shape c for copy or scan schleswig-holstein.

00:03:51: The contact data non the writer of name about why we again emerged in Dusty mention direct of the and the contact then when on Darth Vader and a frog

00:04:02: nothing Einstein and Corbin as all too familiar.

00:04:06: Good notices a navicular bone Zone skipped limited data in Thai is under a nom de so for Khloe to keep the too much Blanc bad funny Malmsteen that's an order on configure

00:04:19: Dan's on we have a quick map yet so much been transporting the Pacific opportunity much like and phallus then Mark their deep poverty uncooked.

00:04:29: Did I not just him out and would turn from it and he's a piece of contacts during transport.

00:04:35: There's also this kind of junk and if we still need work and fungus or mmm good now although I'm of Life bones I was on the arm right here to kindergarten,

00:04:50: on darken at the urine or Asia or are under faculty Indian I like doing Direct in the app I'm an action when I returned to my schpeel,

00:05:01: I'm problem and conquered me time Kinder monzon visiting it's not anger incorporated as a village.

00:05:07: Starting with the discography of in villages on Vera's could tease app privileges if Rocky heads and Vance and Sons had slain,

00:05:15: and he uses for a good while as unnaturally NASA he never did the concreteness FC Fargo position I'm Deema I was a more formal and informal soon was Observe I got mine was skipped or it,

00:05:29: mine in Force versus diagnosis of a Whopper of a script is filled with Reagan.

00:05:35: 0:55 have a links from table and some fresh pair and cancel and new information to the depths of my command often owned.

00:05:47: These apps have a gold medal leader fintan and nap,

00:05:50: double by Hen House for unstyled Hogan concrete for auto other than we two must be it's Morgan Turkish coffee and kooning one Muhammad is of to that slate nobody app and z.

00:06:03: About Mansion functional and combination of direct and mail your body up.

00:06:08: Does the same and unfastened has formed designer who has clicked the ultrasound.

00:06:16: Who has been officially appointed and most of over this event and we can't estimate on your phone.

00:06:22: As if the app is in in stores to Finn and I'm a Google Play Store about our web store on 1200 MB Group - schleswig-holstein.

00:06:32: What's Magic in the app will be unmade Muslim give us a dart an entire lesson we as dusters 0 as a deacon are

00:06:42: who never seem to diagnosed we're not heating the air conditioner want Aladdin and easy and Shawn Connolly South Wolfman,

00:06:50: yeah my Landings I know function somebody else's an animal function for entertainment or a fun style tone,

00:06:58: Deacon organ notes that went for a fetish that word as highest unto men Dan Gibson broke my long Dusty and my long already profile and,

00:07:10: does ending this poor Fields genomic tests such as argon tank capacity the meal card okay dunker.

00:07:19: Okay done there's no more flying before we have to focus like and then everybody live for the blind would suggest trying again that's if my husband's my appreciating convert any a pie English Martin,

00:07:33: first take the interview outfit I don't know and avoid you understood.

00:07:37: Not as I do I mind a project for an iron scepter for contact Jane and Lizzie ho Stein's aquifers and Pisano's these are corporate your own inland.

00:07:48: As a feed affluent Dubai is because lübeck don't fear but Young's fires are so subtly not to enrich my fate it's made of either infant can navigate minded ck-mb ha.

00:08:02: And this debate is Artie the further along.

00:08:07: That's all right isn't it actually isn't always no good now the technical can't incarcerate these exploit again understood the wolf in and Clic ow.

00:08:17: Edl as of different stimuli could alcohol moms and their awkward part environment album funding.

00:08:24: Colleague in Inferno Technica and skipped on site at founder and Schmidt bunched and them lighter that occur landesweiten and disregarded and there's a to unwrap godhead.

00:08:37: Deceptive is unrealistic a stunt alonso's Gesundheit on two-tiered system study under feel fatigued and work some against onto a professional Gesundheit along better.

00:08:47: Damocles cat in the digital and financing is to a patrolman a few years old Cheyenne Cornerstone or they'll turn and I can:

00:08:55: Get out and then click here on ragunan given this Wing humble as project and as I have severe firstly she had drank an untouched,

00:09:03: yeah Andy I'm Chris lübeck on you can have ego Commander to get Gamba harm to examine him software and Peter remembered the Envy confidential is because to understand otherwise Christ has a specific contact today.

00:09:16: That's just as organizers asked the light yeah it was via the month is that Duncan.

00:09:23: Then brush my tongue but what was my day in life test begin yeah I know.

00:09:29: It is I'm in gram degree field in my cooking he kept his ethnic for her off marked if I sniffles off me to come and this is the Vermont is no lunch break this is Alice blind.

00:09:40: Now in the end of the lot of what's just a accomplish on your knees soft phone if it misses it feel a life that and you can snow is graffiti saitama.

00:09:49: Mm phone.

00:09:53: Thank you Dawson yeah oh boy I was a campsite outcome ask.

00:10:03: There's a scene via zip syphilis before extender slow whoa.

00:10:08: And you want to blow its integral and that's a special module yeah.

00:10:14: You don't be hung like pushing the buttons are always for problem actual steps to the information increase in here for 12 Bones.

00:10:23: Which massaging functional for an open wound in Lincoln Heights and click no of copper Maximus count.

00:10:31: It's Lead 1 billion under Carter functionally speak Holstein.

00:10:38: Democracy card for she I'm here shrug and a zoom look like atoms of clyster.

00:10:46: Via my mom this is must be seein and biofuel good bones are my age.

00:10:53: Of us we would then confusion is actually hopefully I'll see you my darkness you can't it directly into my for game keep that somebody's being my line,

00:11:08: coughs so hard.

00:11:09: Comfy soft okay yeah they keep this long time mr. Nick voice damn it boy Indians all the vanitas header.

00:11:19: And now we are burning oh thanks in real life as I'm inside and internalized as well firstly we have my my.

00:11:27: Kiba skill this is how much I can accompany think you both in its contact teller doesn T contact turn and I'm Good Side Bad Wendy highs in the Bible for she didn't.

00:11:38: The other cell phone and I might use that against an unkissed Lobby or reversing Maps has he invites his knee in here right also stole congruent with it hasn't figured out keepers.

00:11:47: On the hum they're not officially no longer border as it swells and exit admitted him.

00:11:53: If you want to segment them and plaque what coughs often have a mono zota Cancun Don't Mess isn't home often Keep Em from Keepers store man.

00:12:02: Zombie mod it cook is marked by their in here God be kind of clicking on it click vital in force to your architecture Della Strada.

00:12:14: Lightroom their contact details but they get to Harbor being you know key is to after website no MIT direct them linked so website mid to the for Norma untick up the Zod.

00:12:26: Yeah and I Direction but medium and animations encounter can add content video then button to manual from than videos in the martyrs clicking modicum side after the mail advisor order of the website.

00:12:40: Okay so this is I just have no time for as a to give himself then he steps in digital native.

00:12:49: Neglect Electro techno music I forgot to refill on a enforce to the reserves to your home.

00:13:00: Canard has had a who wouldn't want another name Dan Schwartz dust and as midi contact Taylor for your child it is,

00:13:08: fire in three dimension organic nervousness and angry steps of who isn't and what is of management Hospital info script or in insulin Colton,

00:13:18: toasty contacts talmud of atonement of Italian this is even done also with all best other man as my mom had a contract killer for Arch Bridge.

00:13:27: You just be a good idea to hire for maneuver some via I sneeze stay in which means we have served at such a young team but enact to Ellis click the model was a comment.

00:13:39: Um vehicle like news Tamanna New York open portion arresting him all my villa struck first provider owned until Kleiner.

00:13:49: By triggering a packed up or humid out informs with Martin.

00:13:55: I'm give a strawman cafe Diga Target Minds them indeed fight the others have to Startin from give us coffee that's think you just can't ever count.

00:14:05: Yeah yeah yeah well I'm cuffy and do big decades it has no yeah so keep his coffee because coffee this English.

00:14:13: No on Tamina gets my dear Rich tongue.

00:14:19: It doesn't end here shine buddy for schedeen lesbianism calendar and attorney version of events.

00:14:27: You know nothing at Monza mean Ava the pink game day that's just one of hundreds of who craves no activity has just returned from bullets and some stock

00:14:36: benefits functional consequence India found steps with Crepes copper lübeck owner of the deep man was landesweiten them bar I upgrade.

00:14:46: Good now and as less defeat Han unification eyes of an eagle.

00:14:59: So much better you're showing me some of your thoughts are such that PSI to begin their needs to button even if organum Harbor is the button Zeb Stouffer.

00:15:10: Which motor off.

00:15:12: This is stands on in the trenches on info up tires designed for for she'd never understand this so how if we could share different things and yeah I don't know,

00:15:21: buses on is observable as pitted under the absolute probably finish the Express Cargo not a fighter Hmm this is informative,

00:15:28: mmm I didn't acquiesce and receptive is to build things wiser Ugandan of monopolies in the one so much beer ads the ads didn't order and of Our Lord dammit Edith can all drink on a sick mind at Monday s for material yep.

00:15:44: Okay done by Dougie it's Denise right Ava information click a model of the strands of DNA engine starts design.

00:15:54: 3rd gear now Yonder under Amanda doesn't machine has 100 have hashtag Tim normal.

00:16:02: The headlights wouldn't push knackery on some actually smooth cool about even also have a function f of cool normal nervous this is nudity a feel for the happened to laying on the weather okay.

00:16:16: Sure so I wish my Vitae or kid is it does

00:16:21: the new button is keys in here for the ACT with them and with them but if rackets for her a set of clicker of time and energy directly 19 order the rest asked in the telephone app on the light,

00:16:33: and then gustan okay it's easy fashion and and was mostly scared me I'm here the Namib I diabetes coma.

00:16:43: Office and watch beer for letting students can do in June.

00:16:48: Commentator phone with Limoges org for its I know drove to the phone zeros or week he's in telephone.

00:16:56: The applicable right shaft due to the instance doesn't officially in Slanders phyto note of.

00:17:04: What move - awkward and what holds no man it seems like that happened is lighter yeah.

00:17:11: Okay yo its name on as all this hair that was found her fingers with my my,

00:17:20: no telephones ears or got to unhook most the in the testing phase of Click beside ya now while they are of no particular celebrating stylist and a lot in D2L and notes and recently a model.

00:17:34: Yeah,

00:17:48: the accordion D steps of a go up daily.

00:17:52: Cute and I'm via its this is all your bones that's how much idea info Tire click motor off.

00:18:00: They've still foolishly is be cultured and V isn't 1304 conduct their own interest record Stein is a humid and easy him abides crisis ask clinical trials are what scoffs deceptive conduct and so as long as she doesn't harm

00:18:13: mine's a mission view deserves to find bring on the financing deceptive actual in guns and land further.

00:18:20: This website has asked how does it not my D fish eaten then doesn't affect same contact turn off Carlos admit logos and

00:18:28: um mankind Dunya Overman certain websites click the in discussions on social he triggers and Angeles Holstein DD contact tan,

00:18:38: I didn't he contact sent all this isn't it will be bones in can I be going to the trigger is not hot

00:18:44: I need a vital work on the thing is this project oh well bizarreness 5S cut off Tom and corporations fragment Iron Dragon

00:18:54: and I said thinking try again this land is socialism.

00:18:58: Yo good now and very much Nick new after organize a torsion evenings on an image of the layout evening they fill the Gap custom time on does video of cardiac event has demand function similarly.

00:19:12: Welcome home that says it was actually is under present on fabrication.

00:19:19: Kinds of an artwork a kind of anxious Criterion when we get time with us

00:19:24: he Advanced the to this lettuce is really fat is decision is the lubricant are developed

00:19:38: and then victim says the definition is Agata sexy is his height so you know,

00:19:45: Vietnam has to go woman that does assembly comes in from direct bedside or her over there is any fliegen - or /

00:19:53: Stemmed knee as well please teach me right now.

00:19:59: View that if we narrow the intermediate outcome vaccine it says what your focus is always here on and brighter color spectrum as a nation who young leek his own and he'll do L to the larger the diameter the hateful action steps with an unspoken the Emerson.

00:20:15: Pick up a couple of DVD burner standards are designed for this design.

00:20:21: It might have been this layout good wound this is your niece Zoe and high polish these mechanical layers as an inspector careers.

00:20:30: Food is a food design job yeah it's unit is we will we will soften any computer design management.

00:20:40: Well it's up going to somebody well as mrs. dry workshops don't want dust

00:20:49: Sirius is on Nik roope Ashby yield on this is kind of young Taps on and it's a sign up for elimination.

00:20:58: After that Lloyd on Elton and.

00:21:03: Clank the unwitting super good touch breaking Mason on the surface team.

00:21:11: Froggy common as the Samuelson man she wraps found some beige Pier I demanded seeing organization they had contact not on the extra extra Sigma mod multi-cut unbeaten in find funders prostitution.

00:21:26: This is an ultimate that conversation on Twitter and freaking potential.

00:21:33: I met static nominee so filmed and for her like trash bar either systems other than dining put it to your normal belong okay they're currently detects the not Munch breaking that's where I turn off guard,

00:21:48: I didn't hear it took me on Twitter to confirm.

00:21:51: I don't know keep puzzle Mansion apps because actors yes your energy and animu clicks and Marcus B public investment,

00:21:59: Skippy our beginnings fine for confirmation Metropolitan behind along and as my little 3510 current hey you can't man philosophers who hunt us,

00:22:08: it's the sneezes liked having conversation telephone other than smartphones with Dean we mustn't linger under this old easy and fun day at the restaurant now I kept almost 160 wrecked and it's like most relevant Dee Dee.

00:22:21: Will help Embassy Skipper hasn't eaten do you know how to buffer solution to the matsuki even need love Kay Target static function.

00:22:30: Does fastidious yeah

00:22:36: David good food is good for not only Pinna can select from Costco my wife come on her conscience and we understand this is an accident.

00:22:47: Okay,

00:22:48: because party meisten Amendment pending harmed and patella he first along for irritable veteran.

00:23:02: And even nothing fine one made on a moped on when he does so from turn yet.

00:23:10: In finite religion team of us past 50 years my dear Mario Fire damn internet as it is at me here I'm a of none can die with his Ultimate Gift Studio steps by years of Christ took of Titan,

00:23:22: bus to techniques line for is we must manage we mustn't adverse beginners I for freedom and then he's in can wear onesies towards the perspective is yeah it comes in,

00:23:33: he's not even had this my Cantonese really not a thing they sure will be patient.

00:23:40: Click the can probably physical damage Mike Emerson doctor says I'm so far out all violin and for em you got message out I find that Sanders online mention Europe in donor and printing curtain on.

00:23:54: Yeah the vocalist and even Lem Converse start tactically and 44 by here and didn't.

00:24:03: My Vista mentioned 430 mention on remanded and milk is awesome Vikram can that Infinity obvious by facing up to scan the city's financial and Hamburg with him

00:24:17: these are functional for the blender Fusion.

00:24:23: So Gibson Upland pac-10,

00:24:33: dialogue test Eliza Slavic also published a recanvass Norms concept or yes valve cover my others hundred miles rule of Luca must be a Locum Duncan,

00:24:42: you have made his own wish to register phone yeah that's not gonna end up Monona Hanoi isn't in some ways do and don't go know there's a blunt billion but sign on those,

00:24:54: organic.

00:24:57: No that's good morning yeah that's cool nobody even the scene that's it wouldn't go phone died long ago and uh make this also a bad sign them this is your of my up because as a complete outside phones oh dear Logan Dugan awesome concept from Munch item.

00:25:12: It's like my last of all was proposed to zones of the band's return yeah it's been hard time doing good,

00:25:17: if I dislike it's just I see ya.

00:25:27: Of war and is that Adam yard and also unveiled is.

00:25:34: I cannot need two guns didn't phone demon from what she owns button.

00:25:42: Skip to a of the undesired lies demand of Mahon can woman for Sweden and version is on Einstein can he owned a shine Mia man here,

00:25:52: except my buttons and piston repetitive dust mites 5:15 the button has a - a bit Somali yea if I finish a house tonight and is happening

00:26:00: Aunt this Gardener fearful to unload on Muslim Invaders as melanoma and telling me.

00:26:07: You won't let her go to spinach can software and wiggler kept healthy dish for my colleague look at seven contests amartya and median design.

00:26:16: That's been on the optimism media techno been doodling zome after Jesus.

00:26:23: Isis and I mean we would eat rice to you about nothing.

00:26:28: Fancy Sue immediately said it's David.

00:26:36: The thing that I just to get here yeah I got a line isn't boot in an in-flight schlichter and veggie burger out of the water,

00:26:43: aha a Bugaboo avoiding Panetta I talk is my brought it complet vison Malaga said no one's on board and I wasn't it somebody spill even our videos one hint I leaked,

00:26:57: my dad's a skin wash spot on no I know,

00:27:00: Finance Medina room tour the it's not an issue there Professor analysis about so DED isn't Rhonda.

00:27:11: And one seat doesn't look like it so far here but I can be did he gives out the under category podcast

00:27:17: - oo if yeah there's a pivot podcast monkeys live action bars be on TV about the positive in North Queensland as that knows.

00:27:27: You know as it does stop not real is not waxing and actual guide in Verdun fun on Zion contact to and I'm learnt on your husband,

00:27:36: that's we are going to feel not sound not certain but I think when Dusty episodes in fall is.

00:27:44: Yes my dad and buffered I know what made organ.

00:27:48: Good now feel free and dank Angelo's come it's not my eye patch them deviation angle condition.

00:27:56: Two days obsessive a Parmesan some kids Cafe on phone Android colleague and thereby isolating that kita's will be clear.

00:28:04: Music.

00:32:05: Yeah hello Ricky I'm showing us to understand at first and I know in depth if Epsilon test recreates the price like.

00:32:14: Heat a spike in away go and vast multi stones to these are apps I'll see the anguish out on.

00:32:22: Can I have some more onions out only the sigma hasn't helped me keep a safety girl if I had to lie for mosquito hour.

00:32:31: Okay I'm going to London that I can eat mm to only having me.

00:32:42: It's on then by volcanic stone with a scan on finding out about cancer screening and clicks gun sphere.

00:32:51: Won't he stop tag,

00:32:53: so keep the snakes to a significant as I said weekly fund into the seat and if you like you can see in the diaphragm it's enlightening the,

00:33:03: this episode is called positive confirmation and open vote we helped questionsand as this family happy so far translation clicks Griffin.

00:33:18: Take him into in kita's,

00:33:24: cancel their first and assess how 30 Alton it was Hunter and well-known we're already too much because he say about Rudolph if I can do.

00:33:34: As a it signifies if it problem here I cannot attend and as I've said for cool puzzle.

00:33:42: Of hidden file as it is computer my video for this time please come this is a sneaky keep the skin or if it's in size 8 and then the Darfur have infinite fizzy water filter Canada,

00:33:53: or and he trapped Us in the hiding inside and fun.

00:33:58: In the episode it's medium fear Shenanigans notes were tied Sinn Fein flyer Demands a commitment on Dan flag.

00:34:07: Don't fix my stove the fermentation and isn't even his minions i title on this tank that snapped as on and Yuma and to come sure that's quite insightful is there.

00:34:21: That's has also Tangled and then then follow us on our first date and easy I got mine my biceps even for me and working as a calico.

00:34:31: Good now as only nine lifting leaving your body fly out of here and find a feisty doctors they fly an option family Act is the sixties application especially as I've done this is your often factorial.

00:34:46: Hutchins actually help him Find humor and fifties doesn't like that to bank as muddy up to the notes and I too liked article him an answer from them and they can inform you that only hope Pete cardigan if you cooked up so absolute function give that order.

00:35:01: Zuko that's why I think it's not what are this one even had a diversion Frankenstein kinda slow working as a need for huge rally on the right man mention I'd get strict you hiding.

00:35:15: Presentation contact above I don't see a designs had someone thank audacity to take the norm has any kind of that mosquito take a seat while after start a timer about.

00:35:29: Team and fuel consumption and.

00:35:33: I deferred answer is if you notice in this is life eventually situation is we have.

00:35:43: It's allergies not seen as my own interests and voice for unless it's about Hatsune this is Sophia too much we get and that's foundation in 2001 Kenya often of these are.

00:35:55: Sideswipe.

00:35:56: Of these around carted off to of the start cooking and then this man named Henry Morton Demand with and they also / as efficient as they are.

00:36:05: Z a good Hunter.

00:36:08: They stopped this canal construction designed like the abstract that's going to complete theater shined on to film anupam Toronto Vitae on,

00:36:17: if he keeps our next time I knew I stopped Alice was fifty years has shown here don't under these and exporting dialect on this Frontage yeah I learned,

00:36:27: that's a donkey will be good again son I'm gonna mind if I turn up yet another class.

00:36:40: Yes.

00:36:43: 15 off balls of your also if you desire or see it on the bugs diesel to cut scores on good so again.

00:36:51: Unfiltered or other support just finished mom would just be awful ordina so Fitzy of inventory and your fins are good.

00:37:02: Different NASA thought as well they all pose Zuber.

00:37:07: I'm good that's an argument first 49 Epsom we humbly card in my hand kiss coffee for gosh dead that's why it finished are named after announcer Materia form of nutrition.

00:37:20: I said he comes out it had kind of an expensive me and Gina and Kyle.

00:37:30: Duffy authentic opening yeah.

00:37:33: Be as far as high as a plane going to be in that final race be quashed I'm interested go public.

00:37:42: Yeah okay matching argument versa.

00:37:56: Make us the dynamic side no all over the shop now I gotta call the corporation or Step In Motion yeah and I know you go up up do you know tiny Montana Morgan to know.

00:38:07: No yeah no bike is made yeah victory.

00:38:12: Not misstatements beautiful in that and we are just going to show me we finna T of field.

00:38:23: Shouldn't finding an oil M kiss coffee from August hello India Ghana

00:38:31: my name is kozma halt I've scavenged barato Michigan Family said they are indeed a championship in the lübeck asia-pacific OR brush breaking the Hanna

00:38:42: it's Harbor me she is there of deceptive threshold stand-up go Freud is that you only Disney artists online gang against

00:38:50: my dear the app contest.

00:38:54: Problem with some Apple Stores of all of them rationalize or have them handy want Alan the inherited one owner and lager and sports fields of a toga English.

00:39:05: And Schism to finding a the in heitor isn't full of them right now I thought after Airport.

00:39:12: Quickly Spa the episode by Shobha in Schism V Vector let's say of course and this layout is modern this is Nikki Bella on the Fab Oswald is angry name on their slider tagging and a magnum Tempo Di and didn't tell me none.

00:39:28: He's a 10 min Bhai,

00:39:31: state for Me Shine conclusion of the Invictus Buckeyes in this app data does if you click on log cerebus establish fashion for lunch dial tone fan Charlotte.

00:39:44: Dial tone in presenter form in online form we will now resume in workshops Alice phonetic man and I know good and evil taste the animating effect problem laws and video about the app,

00:39:59: give it order mangle a mouse click of iron

00:40:04: and if a Lincoln on the and made room for a female versus PC Magazine.

00:40:11: It has unique a righty buddy a banana fan start on Tyga Nam as fortunate,

00:40:17: one time slider between the Sexes buttons in the heart is as x button spoof in and zoom to fill a video how long I niggas is often are often sick leave him off bow is,

00:40:32: bleibt as plaid informative as black do basically.

00:40:38: I'm for Barcelona's first like Heritage that is longer in these insects,

00:40:43: it's not in podcasts or table he had him a government has my dad took out some podcast need Innovation on Terminus First Act is an inflection got out of there start cited to again.

00:40:56: Then Niche my to minused on

00:41:01: in the interim you knew for in fights with a whole long start fin inherited demanding but infinite tile was off with a hooligan

00:41:19: online gang in dynamically for tribulation and informative and to stand as Story start

00:41:28: on its innards it exactly on good food version clay

00:41:34: finding you but I better not see us finity up there good if you dizzy retired veteran feeling on target

00:41:44: Fighters oh vielen dank does he has endured.

00:41:51: Yeah I've been making gonna know I just I don't and conditioning for in September on 500 I asked us on the Run,

00:42:00: no and observers but yank that's as old as we are under annoying washu run fungus lübeck for Ryan 2015 20 30 mm Antigua naturally.

00:42:12: I love Italian my stuff and my stuff added up on poverty and that's where daddy Rebecca's a specific problem on our TA relevant in the Heart of Stone no tophet aha Sam

00:42:25: because I'm Ed Harding I could be brushed on the American I've dismissed batarang sodium via alarm it leader from the beautiful golden lübeck Kathy,

00:42:35: I'm done gennadiy portion and Oscar very strange the connection 15 years 10 Dubai

00:42:44: bazooka known as and emotions can often tell you about game or and of crime and respond and maiden and honest effort are not in 15 minutes I'm crazy person over to the side and made by kids

00:42:57: Minos lübeck at kind of eager to e0 Durant our telephone nor fear from fine 69 tie try,

00:43:06: no infant at V again often and open for discussion it's vital for unstyled wrong is there the health center 9 times the mean now

00:43:16: some team a moderation midoriko Vietnam and go straight to reportin on coach

00:43:24: howdy and Madame function yet here by Aladdin Super deceptive Academy schleswig-holstein.

00:43:32: Dara's hit Cardiac Arrest album one can design for cooking tips of Academy of this equation would equally inaudible sarcoma

00:43:41: and can distort my sense of body upon Maiden directly,

00:43:48: David and off you know my the club Hefty website and like trying to do is.

00:43:53: That's what it's like to find shadowlands 89 nothing attacks might kneading until toxin targets find child on this model hats on seminar on Dynamic condition artists he lets Define style man.

00:44:05: Now in the next podcast.

00:44:08: Third in October Finn it g the bonus right and walk over to the Russians don't touch that onto your harmed of a Creator and the lübeck a static method so cast.

00:44:20: Got undone that small.

00:44:21: Truthfully I order all fear of European dang yes but that's why girls are taken off in access to her and I'm kind under the metallic fun with in German tour knowing absolutely See Her Style

00:44:36: yeah damn it choose chooses acceptable for me two hours.

00:44:43: Music.

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